The iconic puzzle video game Portal is the perfect world for a pinball game!
This game module fits into a Multimorphic P3 pinball machine, providing a cost effective way to build a collection of pinball games in your home, while only needing space for one machine. Portal is available in two versions. Portal Standard is the most advanced P3 module yet, and Portal Extended adds additional mechs in the lower part of the playfield.
We sell the P3 platform with Portal Standard installed for US$11,620 +GST, freight & fees (approximately NZ$24,990 as of March 2025). The P3 with Portal Extended is US$12,500 (approx NZ$26,990).
If you already own a P3 machine, you can add the Portal Standard game module for US$3900 (NZ$7990), or Portal Extended for US$5500 (NZ$11,250). Home delivery and set up is available nationwide (free in the greater Wellington region), and there is an estimated 6 month manufacture and delivery period.

Portal (Standard Edition), on the Multimorphic P3 pinball platform. The game features three flippers, an interactive display that tracks the ball, programmed scoops & walls that can block or capture the ball, and a sculpted world under glass that reveals a third chapter to the Portal story.
The backglass is a 32" LCD display with animated art, and the cabinet's side-art is magnetic, allowing the machine to be re-themed for different games.

This is the most immersive and feature-rich game Multimorphic has released to date. It's packed full of interactive mechs and physical playfield portals, and 6 additional scoop portals, through which the pinball can “travel through” instantly.
Use a portal to send a ball up to the LOFT (Library of Failed Tests). Push the Companion Cube through the portal to enable physical ball locks on the grating.

When enabled, the Aerial Faith Plate will launch a ball onto the grating in the back of the playfield.
The companion cube is shown acting as a physical ball lock. From this angle you can see the three possible landing areas for the momentum jump from the angled panel (the glass catwalk, the lower landing zone, and the pit).
Both ramps can lift to expose illuminated portals underneath. The unique captive ball mech can send a ball through a portal linked to any number of places, while the animated Reggie toy sculpt watches and reacts to the action in the game.

The Portal Extended experience shown below features even more immersive artwork and additional shots and mechs closer to the flippers. The dynamic “glass ramp” and two pedestal switches can be raised or lowered based on gameplay. The outer left orbit shot lane starts closer to the flippers with a physical spinner at the start of the shot. The left side flipper return features a dynamic hidden panel to send the ball across to the right flipper return over the "hard light" bridge.